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// Influencer Solutions
[ˈɪnflʊənsə] • Marketing Term
1. An individual on social media that creates content and has accumulated a substantial following size.
2. A platform user that produces promotional content for their native audience with the ability of convincing potential buyers from their following of the capabilities of a product or service.
// Definition
Why work with Influencers?
With an established community through content creation, influencers have amassed a large following which brands can utilise.
Developing a strong following and engaging content, influencers have a deep personal connection with their viewers.
Since most influencers are part of a targeted niche, they hold a level of perceived expertise which users are inclined to trust.
Having accumulated a large following, influencers are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to create content that thrives on social media.
Determine the objective of your campaign and the mechanics of your campaign.
Based on your requirements, we will source for influencers that fit your campaign needs. Select which you are keen on collaborating with.
Influencers know their communities best, discuss and define perimeters in your collaboration and how to best reach their audiences.
Sit back and let us manage your influencer campaign as you focus on other key aspects of your company.
// Engage with Communities